In just a few short weeks, Summit is sending another short term mission (STM) team to Cambodia! The team consists of seven return volunteers; Leah Gould, Kathie Weaver, Sandra Stassen, Navid Kazemi, Layla Kazemi, Charlene Price and Jeff Ure and three first time volunteers to Love Your Neighbour ministry in Siem Reap; Karlie Silcock, Daniel Kitamura and Karine Ragai.
Leah Gould will be leaving on March 14th extending her stay well beyond the short term mission team’s scheduled visit. She will go to support the ministry until Kim Bui completes her extended home stay. The current interim international workers, Nguyen and Hong Tran, will complete their one year placement and will be returning to Canada on April 23, 2017. Nguyen and Hong have done an amazing job during their term and the children will be sad to see them go.
The rest of the STM Team will leave on April 5, 2017 with the exception of Jeff Ure and Charlene Price who will leave on April 6, 2017. We will have a short visit in Phnom Penh before we head to Siem Reap to join Leah and the children on April 8th.
We have a busy schedule of teaching; VBS, English, Math, private tutoring for some of the Future Bright Students and Bike Repair lessons. Additionally, we will host a Good Friday Youth Service, Easter Service and a few Adult bible studies. We have some fun activities planned for the children to help build relationships and fellowship together.
Our returns home are staggered with the bulk of the STM team leaving on Friday April 21, 2017, although Sandra and Karlie will stay on until April 28,2017.
We are excited to be going and ask that your consider us in your prayers as we prepare to the journey. We are committed to keeping you updated so please stay tuned for additional posts.