In accordance with current provincial and local guidelines, SCC has developed a COVID-19 Safety Plan as recommended by the ON government. We are in alignment with ON’s Roadmap to Reopening: as well as York Region Public Health Safety Measures ( SCC adheres to the Section 22 Class Order issued by York Region’s Medical Officer of Health related to case contact. As a York region workspace, SCC follows the Letter of Instruction as issued by York Region’s Medical Officer of Health with respect to following best practices for religious institutions.

We are decreasing risk when contacts are necessary through screening. Passive screening is required for entry into our gatherings & services. Signs are posted at all entrances to inform people to screen themselves for COVID-19 as well as on digital registrations. Everyone who comes into our office, must complete the COVID-19 screening form prior to entry:



We use personal protective equipment. We ask all people inside our buildings to wear face coverings properly and consistently. We can provide disposable masks upon request. All individuals must wear face coverings in indoor settings (with limited medical exemptions). Everyone must wear a mask or face covering that covers their mouth, nose and chin inside any facility building. Exceptions may include staff breaks/meals, or speaking and leading worship during live services and recording. Unmasked individuals continue to maintain physical distance from others &/or position themselves behind barriers.

We have increased our fresh air. Weather permitting, we are keeping windows and doors open as much as possible. We regularly maintain our facility air systems. We are using outdoor spaces whenever we can.

We promote cleaning and disinfection. All equipment &/or bathrooms are cleaned and disinfected as frequently as is necessary to maintain a sanitary condition. We have increased scheduled cleaning and are disinfecting high touch surfaces, common areas and shared items. We have provided cleaning and disinfecting products for teams to use frequently. We provide access to soap and water as well as alcohol-based hand sanitizer. We ask everyone to clean their hands frequently and whenever needed.

We are working to eliminate &/or reduce contacts. We are continuing to work remotely. Our teams will complete any work that can be done offsite from their homes. We are meeting digitally wherever possible. We are organizing contactless transfer of items wherever possible.

We provide York Region’s COVID-19 R resources. We provide fact sheets, guidance documents, informational material and multimedia about COVID-19 from


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