We just finished our first Cambodia team meeting and got the basics of what the trip will entail. Things like all the things I need to prepare to go to Cambodia: paperwork, applications, vaccinations, passports & visas. We also discussed the ‘what’ & the ‘why’ of going to Cambodia. I wanted to share a bit about these with you. The ‘why’ is ultimately to show the love of Christ in tangible ways, not only to the children but to their families, to the youth leaders and to our international worker Kim Bui.
Our team will support Kim by helping to continue the education of the children: in ESL lessons, computer skills, life skill training, personal hygiene and health. These skills are vital to ensuring that the children gain skills so that they’ll have alternative ways to earn money for their families. Additionally, we will be providing support and encouragement to Kim for the amazing work she does tirelessly day in and day out. We will help address the children’s basic needs – like providing healthy meals – as well as their emotional & spiritual needs. We’ll express our love & the Father’s love to them in practical ways and connect them with Jesus who will continue to give them the love and attention they need now and always. We chose this time to go in April because it is the Khmer (Cambodian) New Year and the children will be out of school for a week. We will be running a vacation Bible school every day during their time off and running after school programs after the holiday. Teaching them some of the key stories and principles in the Bible through teaching, skits, games and living them our ourselves.